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After The Easter Sunday Attacks, Businesses Come Together To Take Sri Lanka Forward

When will things go back to normal again? This is the question that has plagued our minds since the Easter Sunday terror attacks of April 21. While much remains to be done in terms of material, physical and psychosocial recovery—especially for the victims and their families—and while there is a vacuum where there must be political and religious will to remove the scourge of intolerance, the business community came together to chart the way forward to allow Sri Lanka to recover economically from the aftershock of the attacks that killed 258 people and injured close to 500 more.


One Month Since Easter Sunday, A Pledge From Us To You

Today marks one month since that fateful Easter Sunday, when scores of innocent worshippers, families enjoying Sunday brunch and tourists on holiday lost their lives to heinous acts of terror. Even though time has trudged forward, it remains cruelly frozen for the bereaved families of the 258 men, women and children who were killed, and the more than 500 who were injured. Their grief has only been compounded by the inexplicable injustice of the losses they have suffered. Many others continue to be affected by the economic aftershocks of that day.


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