Promoting Birding in an Urban Environment
With Colombo turning into an environmentally sensitive and aesthetically appealing capital city in Asia, the Federation of Environmental Organizations of Sri Lanka (FEO) in partnership with the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOG SL) and support from Otara, will launch Colombo’s first ever Bird Race.
Colombo, with its old growth avenues and wetlands, is home to a remarkable range of resident bird species. However, these species numbers are further enhanced during the winter months by the arrival of the migrant bird species that call our tropical island home for a few months, thereby allowing the locals to witness a myriad of birds in our own backyard.
The Colombo Bird Race 2015 will invite you to come out to Colombo’s backwoods to record as many birds as you can find during the day. The aim behind this event is to raise awareness of the spectacular range of birds in our country’s urban wildlife in and around Colombo, while generating an increased interest in conserving green spaces within our city limits.
Colombo Bird Race 2015 Information
Date: Saturday the 21st of February 2015
Time: 6.30 am to 10.30 am (In order to maximise on the number of species seen, as birds are very active during these hours)
Venue: Thalangama Lake and two other wetland sites.
Team: 5 persons (max) per team
Categories: Professionals, Enthusiasts & Kids (8-15)
Pricing: Rs 5000 per adult team, Rs 3000 per kids team & Rs 2000 per schools team.
Basic Rules & Regulations
The team that records the most number of diverse bird species identified correctly within the allotted time period of four hours wins the race.
A minimum of three team members need to see the bird for it to be counted.
Binoculars and an identification guide will be supplied by the organisers, in order to help people educate themselves on the bird species.
The Colombo Bird Race offers a new experience in our city, showing that urban birding can be a celebrated event in our surrounding environment and to spread awareness of the rare birds who call our city home. Stay in this Friday night and start your weekend off spotting some urban wildlife and learning about the ecosystems that surround us!
You can find more information on their Facebook page or sign up for the event here.