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Homers’ Odyssey: The Story Of Pigeon Racing In Sri Lanka

Mohan de Lanerolle (75), ‘Loni’ to his friends and family, belies his age. Now retired, he hunts and fishes during his leisure time, and tends to his massive garden with his wife Monica. For company, he has a Beagle, a Chihuahua and a variety of exotic birds, including a rather jealous blue-and-yellow macaw named Papaya, a parakeet called Luke, and a 44-year-old Amazon parrot. However, one of the more fascinating things he does in his retirement is breeding and training homing pigeons for pigeon racing, a recognised sport in Sri Lanka.


Living On A Remote Coral Island: Life In Delft

Two hours from Jaffna town is Delft, an arid, rocky island that is home to approximately 5,000 people in the northern peninsula. The island has always been a place of wonder and intrigue — for both Sri Lankans and tourists. The most iconic photographs of Delft feature its best-known attractions: wild ponies (believed to be a legacy of Portuguese colonial rulers), azure seas, and a centuries-old baobab tree that stands alone amidst barren land.


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