Saama – The tallest puppet

Saama, the little girl giant, says: “All girls can be giants if raised and supported to be so.” 

Saama stands out, which is not a surprise considering she’s a giant (she’s also the tallest female puppet in Sri Lanka). But apart from her height, and the fact that there’s a person controlling her massive papier mache head and long hands, she stands out for the message she brings. Having grown up with all the ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ small girls in our society receive, Saama chose her own path and followed her heart and conquered great heights. Her extraordinary tales and life is a depiction of the strength of girls who aspire to overcome their challenges against all odds. 

Saama has been travelling around the country and spreading her message since 2019. Her performances brought her to the CR & FC on 4 March, where she celebrated International Women’s Day and the centenary year of the sports stadium. 

‘Saama, The Little Girl Giant Puppet’ is a collective creation of MJF Charitable Foundation, Power of Play Inc. According to the performance organisers, Saama pays homage to the women (both known and unknown) who have achieved massive feats while facing equal challenges.  

#Saama #lka #SriLanka #InternationalWomensDay23

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