If you’re tired of seeing what your long-lost friend had for lunch every day, it’s time you start following these local instagrammers, who have turned the platform into an art form.
Sri Lanka Baton
Much like our good old sports meets, @Srilankabaton passes itself from one user to another, giving anyone the chance to show a photo story of a day in their life. Bringing together all things quintessentially ‘Sri Lankan,’ from thambili and curd pots, to our flora and fauna it really just gives us a stream of reminders of why we love this island like we do.
Claiming to be ‘an observer of beauty in God’s universe’ this @colombedouin uses his journalistic past to bring together profound images with equally compelling captions. With pastel shades and a minimalist tone, these photos definitely stand out in the sea of selfie’s and coffee cups.
For your constant dose of the sea, the trains that pass by it and unlimited sunsets– or, if you simply need a reminder to leave that office cubicle! –@gopiharan it is. Yes, it might be slightly over saturated, but it’s one of those places you go to remind yourself to enjoy all the little things in life.
Tripin SL
Hop on for a visual trip with Sri Lankan travel magazine, @TripinSL – from the coastline to the highlands, they’ve covered it all. Each square box teases us, with a snippet of an elephant in the wild to a flower blooming under the warmth of the Lankan sun. Certain to spark up the travel bug in you, it really is one of the quality travel instagrams out there, skipping out on all the cliché’s!
@Shammasghouse is like that friend you have who always seems to meet the most intriguing characters and be in the most exciting of surroundings – and he just happens to capture all this while at it. It has a very real life feel to it (albeit a very colourful and vivid life), the people and their portraits – they speak volumes about Colombo life.