Everything We Never Knew About Koththamalli, Courtesy of The Gypsies

The Gypsies recently released their new song Koththamalli and it has the greatest video, by far. We just couldn’t resist breaking it down to show how taking drinks from strangers is completely acceptable, looking good can excuse strange dance moves and more than all, to watch the wackiness that everyone loves, guaranteed by The Gypsies.

First, Meet Dr. Dirty Harry, who also seems to be some sort of a mad scientist.


An explosion, like all great discoveries, signifies that his koththamalli is ready.


On a life-saving mission, Dirty Harry and his team of…nurses…start up a Koththamalli clinic. Also, note the shameless product placement on their ride.


This is probably how he earned the name Dirty Harry. As for the Doctor part, we’re not quite sure.


He then jumps into what seems like a futuristic sci-fi scene, or a real jazzy disco, to sing about all that Koththamalli goodness.


His mission now takes it to the street, one alcoholic at a time.


We also MUST include mutually understandable Lankan Hand Signals (LHS). And of course, any nurse that isn’t part of Dr. Harry’s entourage must be no where near as sexy in the uniform.


But that’s probably because Dr, Harry’s crew spend some quality time getting fit by a combo of dancing, fishing and swimming.


And like any and everything Sri Lankan, it always ends up with one big party.Take 10

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