Red Bull Gives Doodlers The Chance To Make It Big

The brand name Red Bull is pretty much an unofficial word in the English language. This is largely owing to them being involved in numerous successful events on an international level. The “Red Bull Doodle Art” competition is one such global event and it’s been around for 7 years, and this year, the wonderful people at Red Bull have decided to give the doodler’s on the island a chance to showcase their skills too; enter the “Red Bull Doodle Art – Sri Lanka.”

Some of us individuals, myself included, can’t doodle to save our lives, but what we can do is appreciate and applaud the talent of others. Since submissions opened up on the 22nd of July, 281 submissions poured in from the Sri Lankan doodling community. Submissions have now closed and are being voted on until the 13th of September.

Following this, the top 20 entries with the highest number of ‘likes’ advance to judgment day, where Red Bull will review and choose a winner on the 25th of September. That contestant gets the chance to travel to Cape Town, South Africa and present his or her creation in a single global gallery exhibition, along with winners from the other 39 participating countries, from the 24th to the 26th of October.

Here is a look at some of our favorite submissions from Sri Lanka, with first-hand input from the artists themselves:

Sachi Ediriweera


“The illustration is based on a yaka character, with my own creative twist. The character was designed to invoke a sense of joy while the remaining elements are a mix of traditional patterns and random doodles, including a nod to the competition sponsor’s tagline; Red Bull Gives You Wings.”

Dilthara Jayalath


“I am a professional doodler, and a friend of mine asked me to submit a doodle for the competition, so I created this doodle and submitted it within a day. It’s not a piece of work that I am extremely happy about because I did not have enough time to perfect it, to be honest this was a very typical doodle as there was nothing preplanned about this.”

Janith Fernando


“The first thing that came to mind when I thought about Red Bull was that it’s an energy drink. Therefore I drew my doodle based on the theme “energy” and I did so by drawing clip arts representing three of Sri Lanka’s most popular sports; cricket, rugby and football.Those were the main elements of my doodle and the smileys were drawn afterwards.

The smileys are ‘spectators’ and as the energy levels increase the moods of the smileys change from negative to positive. This is because I feel that Red Bull is also a mood fixer. Finally, I packed/filled the entire frame with a burst of smileys as Red Bull too is packed with fun and energy!”

Buddhi Chathuranjeli De Silva


“I have been doodling for some time now especially while I’m at boring lectures and classes! After seeing a poster regarding the competition I thought about entering and asked my friends if I should and they gave me extremely positive responses so I submitted my doodle.

There is a meaning behind my doodle. As you see it’s a hand, my own hand, representing me.

1st finger- An Architecture student of City School of Architecture
2nd finger- A nature lover and member of Young Biologist Association
3rd finger- A member of Leo Club of Colombo Knights
4th finger- Sports enthusiast. I was a member of the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya basketball team
5th finger- An artist/freelancer”

Aarthi Kadiragaman


“It is always impressive how an absent mind, blank paper and ink can allow people to come up with creative, detailed, inspirational and silly doodles. Doodles are random things I draw subconsciously just because I want to. They can also express complex emotions which are too complex for words. If you ask what my doodle represents it is full of memories from Dubai (where I spent my childhood) and Colombo, drawn around various smiley faces, doodle characters and Red Bull. Being a daydreamer, it was easy for me to include more random elements into my drawing. Doodling is a fun way of expressing feelings.”

The voting process is easy. Go to this link (, pick your favorite doodle and get your ‘like’ on. Go ahead, get voting and help Sri Lanka’s pro-doodlers showcase their talents and make it big!

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