Five Sri Lankan Instagram Accounts You Just Have To Follow – Round 2

About a year ago, we published a list of five must-follow Sri Lankan Instagram accounts. Seeing as how there has been a dramatic increase in high-quality #lka accounts since then, with quite a few of them going on to be featured in IRL exhibitions and galleries, we feel it’s time for an update. Here goes (in no particular order).

Harindi Jayasuriya (the_jayasuriya)

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Hands down our favourite Sri Lankan Instagrammer, Harindi is a 21-year-old who makes square-frame photos of everyday things like buildings, bugs, roads, birds, coconut trees, you name it, look like highbrow art (all taken with her iPhone 6; strictly no DSLR). With a uniquely trained eye for beauty in the mundane, and her impeccable composition and appropriately clever captions, even the simplest of her photos just takes your breath away. If there is only one new Instagrammer you follow today, make sure it’s Harindi. Totes worth it.


Nazly Ahmed (nazlyahmed)

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Another personal favourite, Nazly is particularly gifted in documenting life in Colombo. The real Colombo – the streets, the saivar joints and the isso wade stalls at Galle Face. His perfectly timed shots of urban chaos really capture the essence of this bustling city. As a self-confessed cricket fanatic, his photography occasionally wanders to the practice nets at the SCC grounds and, if you’re into cricket, this account might be right up your alley. (Nazly also acquired a GoPro Hero recently, so look out for some eye-popping experimental photography down the road).


Malinthe Samarakoon (darth_malmal)

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“I stare at a screen, trying to make sense of life,” says Malinthe in his Instagram bio. We’re not entirely sure what he means by that but it seems to have worked out pretty well for him so far, so keep doing it we say, because his photography is nothing short of genius. This 24 year old programmer has a keen eye for angles, depth and colour and is particularly skilled at portraits and macro shots. Pure eye candy. Well worth a follow.


Udeshi (esposito13)

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Grievously bitten by the travel bug, Udeshi is another experimenter who goes to great lengths to get the perfect shot and somehow manages to make it look effortless. Her Instagram account is littered with jaw-dropping shots from all over the country, with Kumar Sangakkara’s face occasionally jumping out of the screen (to say she is a little obsessed with the guy would be an understatement). Follow her for a daily dose of gorgeous landscape shots, #puddlegrams and adventure sports documented through her SLR and GoPro.


Amalini De Sayrah (amaliniii)

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True to her bio, Amalini is the quintessential bleeding heart. Her photography is socially conscious without being insufferably pretentious. No mean feat, looking at the hundreds of others on Instagram and elsewhere trying and failing to change the world with their noble yet ultimately pointless hashtag activism. Not only are her pictures powerful and emotive, they are also very well presented with insightful and at times poignant captions. Absolute must-follow.

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